eBooks & White Papers

The Benefits of Moving Your Accounting Practice to the Cloud

Cloud computing is key to the future of accounting and audit.


With the pace of business moving faster than ever and client expectations at an all-time high, accounting practices are under pressure to find new operational efficiencies.

A new Caseware white paper, titled The Benefits of Moving Your Accounting Practice to the Cloud, examines how the cloud computing model is helping firms streamline their work and unlock new savings — both in time and money. This revolutionary approach is enabling easier engagement management, improved time-tracking and higher client satisfaction rates, among many other benefits.

Read the white paper today and discover how cloud:

  • Differs from traditional practice management technologies
  • Eliminates repetitive, tedious processes
  • Helps bring in new business
  • Can be adopted at a pace that’s right for any firm

As the white paper shows, running a highly efficient accounting practice is no easy task. Challenges exist around every corner: keeping track of hundreds of client files across multiple engagements; making sure staff are tracking their time accurately; waiting for client responses while the clock is ticking toward a deadline; watching work grind to a halt due to unplanned server downtime.

Dealing with these issues costs precious time, impacting everything from team morale to the all-important bottom line. They have, unfortunately, been an inescapable reality for years.

Now, however, the concept of cloud computing is helping many firms put these nagging problems behind them for good. Cloud computing-based technology offers an innovative approach that delivers newfound savings and efficiencies, and provides easier customization capabilities for all types and sizes of organizations. 

The Benefits of Moving Your Accounting Practice to the Cloud will describe the improvements the cloud model makes on traditional approaches. It will also take an in-depth look at the main benefits of moving to the cloud, including time savings, which can be used to carry out work that was previously eaten up by repetitive and tedious processes.

Finally, the paper will describe the hybrid model of cloud computing, an approach that allows for gradual cloud adoption, rather than having to make a full transition. 

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